The second episode of the series titled "A Castle Full of Poetry" produced by Musical Theater in Poznań for the Zakłady Kórnickie Foundation, the City and Commune of Kórnik, the PAN Kornik Library and the Poviat of Poznań. This time viewers will learn about the history of unique manuscripts in the collection of the Kornik Library. Three actors from the Musical Theater: from the New Theater in Poznan can be seen on the screen. Finally, the curator of the Kórnik Library, Małgorzata Potocka, will appear. Poems by Tomek Nowaczyk and Marcin Brykczynski will be read by Piotr Hamerski. Through a carefully selected ensemble of actors, direction and expert commentary, the second episode of the series "Castle Full of Poetry" promises to be not only a rich source of information, but also a fascinating journey through the literary heritage of the Kornik Library.