The first episode of a unique series entitled "A Castle Full of Poetry," which Musical Theater in Poznan has produced together with the Kórnik Plant Foundation, the City and Commune of Kórnik, PAN Kórnik Library and the Poviat of Poznan. In this episode we look at the story of two extraordinary women: Jadwiga Zamoyska, née Działyńska Zamoyska, and Maria Zamoyska. We discover the richness of the stories of these two exceptional figures, who are written in the history of the castle. Their stories intertwine in fascinating ways, shedding light on their unique cultural heritage and personal achievements. Collaboration with various cultural and historical institutions has made it possible to create a comprehensive picture of the lives and times of Hedwig and Mary. The episode not only takes the viewer into the world of bygone eras, but also shows the importance of cultural heritage in the context of modern times. We invite you to discover this remarkable series, which not only celebrates history, but also emphasizes cultural and artistic heritage, while being the fruit of cooperation between cultural institutions concerned with preserving and promoting the cultural wealth of our region.